Board of directors

The current board (as of October 2023) comprises Mike Allen (Chairman), Terry Burke (Vice-chairman), Chris Bowman, Brian Daley, Martin Mandelbaum, Andrew Nicholson, John Coleman, John McAdams, Mo Setterfield (co-opted)

The Secretary is Hobdens Property Management Ltd.

Role of WRA directors in PDF format

The current directors have the following individual responsibilities:


Function Lead Support
Communications Mike Allen Terry Burke
Legal Brian Daley Vacant
Infrastructure Terry Burke Andrew Nicholson
Planning Chris Bowman Andrew Nicholson
Security Martin Mandelbaum John McAdams
Health & Safety Martin Mandelbaum John Coleman
Grass, Trees, Tamarisk Hedge John Coleman Martin Mandelbaum
Finance Brian Daley Andrew Nicholson
Hobdens Liaison Mike Allen Brian Daley
Estate Liaison Mo Setterfield Mike Allen
Miscellaneous Terry Burke Mike Allen
Gates Mo Setterfield Chris Bowman