Maintenance of grass areas and Estate owned trees
Grass Cutting
Our grass cutting is carried out by our contractor, GreenServe. Their work schedule is listed below. Grass cutting for areas which are not specifically owned by the WRA falls to the owner. We also request that owners help to maintain the appearance of the Estate by cutting their grass verges and advising Hobdens of any proposal to plant in the verge or to change the appearance e.g. installation of bollards.
The areas covered by the GreenServe grass cutting contract are as follows:
Cross Road – Corner of Cross Road and Angmering Lane from 2 Cross Road to the drive of 19 Angmering Lane. Area by Southern Water property.
Greensward – The whole of the greensward together with the grass banks, East Walk, Middle Walk and West Walk
The Roystons – Island
The Ridings – Long Island; entrance gate; island near twitten; west island and the twitten.
Tamarisk Way – Gate area
The Oaks – All verges
Pigeonhouse Lane – Verge on East side between 52 and 55
We also control the weed growth between the kerbs and roads on the Estate by spraying with weed killer on a monthly basis when required.
Tree Maintenance
We have many trees on the Estate, which greatly enhance our local environment and contribute to the Estate’s character.
The WRA is responsible only for maintaining Estate owned trees and holds formal records identifying their location. Each Estate owned tree is marked with a metal tag to assist with identification. The condition of all Estate owned trees is reviewed on an annual basis.
Several trees on the Estate are covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). The principal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the cutting down, uprooting, topping, lopping, wilful damage or wilful destruction of protected trees unless permission has been given by the local planning authority. Further information may be found on the Arun District Council website:
A small part of the northern fringe of the Estate is designated a Conservation Area, in which trees are subject to additional legal requirements. Please be sure to check with Arun District Council if you wish to undertake any work to trees in this area as substantial fines may be imposed for unauthorised tree work. Further information is available on the ADC website.
The trees on the island at the Angmering Lane entrance to the Estate are the responsibility of West Sussex County Council’s Highways Department. The Department undertakes an annual inspection of all its trees but otherwise relies upon members of the public to report any problems that they might see. If you have any concerns about the trees on this island, please contact Hobdens or the Highways Department directly (01243 642105).
If you have any concerns about an Estate owned tree, please contact Hobdens, who will arrange for a board director to investigate the matter.
In the event of concerns about a neighbour’s tree, please speak directly to your neighbour.
Tamarisk Hedge
The Residents’ Association also deals with the maintenance of the tamarisk hedge which shelters the Greensward. The hedge is normally trimmed in the autumn to maintain its height at 2.5 metres measured from the Greensward and to prevent the hedge encroaching unduly on the Greensward.
Dog fouling on Estate verges and greensward
There is an unacceptable level of dog fouling on the Estate verges and on the greensward. We have therefore asked the dog warden at Arun Council to patrol the area and to act where appropriate. She has advised us that she will carry out patrols of the Estate and that the Council is recruiting a team of people so that patrols can be increased throughout the district in the months ahead. If you are a dog owner, please help to keep our Estate clean by clearing up after your dog if it has fouled.
Questions we often get asked
“How many times a year is the grass on the greensward and walkways cut?”
The grass on the greensward and common areas is cut weekly (weather depending) between March – October. Therefore, a total of 32 weekly cuts are scheduled. The grass banks are allowed to grow naturally to encourage flora.
“How many times a year are the other Estate-maintained grass areas cut?”
The current contract is for 32 cuts a year, during the growing season (March – October)
“How often are the grass banks on the greensward cut?”
Strimming of the banks on the Greensward, including the top is three times a year during the growing season (April – October)
“Do you allow the Estate grass contractor to cut the grass on a Saturday or Sunday?”
No, but we do allow work on Bank holidays
“Can I cut my grass on a Saturday or Sunday?”
Under rule 2 of the estate rules, at weekends, noisy work involving power-driven mowers is only permitted from 8.30am to 12 noon on Saturdays.
“What do I do if I have concerns over an Estate owned tree?”
Please contact Hobdens with your concerns and they will arrange for a director to investigate
“Who do I speak to if I have I have concerns about my neighbour’s tree?”
In the first instance you need to speak directly to your neighbour