Willowhayne Estate rules
The estate rules set out below are designed to provide guidance to residents on how we can all play our part in ensuring that the peaceful environment of the estate is protected and enhanced. They are not intended to be officious in nature. Some reflect examples of the restrictive covenants that apply to all properties, for example those relating to holiday lets and nuisance or disturbance; others reflect what is no more than socially acceptable behaviour essential in maintaining the Willowhayne as a pleasant place for us all to enjoy.
The rules are not listed in any order of priority and will be subject to review if and when new circumstances affect the estate.
- Estate maintenance charges should be paid promptly when due. Late payment will incur additional charges.
- The covenants state clearly that nothing should be done that constitutes a nuisance or disturbance to neighbouring properties. Residents should note that noisy work involving power washers, power tools, power-driven mowers, strimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws and the like is only permissible between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 12 noon on Saturdays. Such work is not allowed after 12 noon on Saturdays and is not permitted on Sundays or bank holidays. Contractors playing radios and the like outside is prohibited. If played inside, they must not disturb other residents. Residents carrying out such work on a DIY basis should observe the same rules as those applicable to contractors. Contractors are not permitted to work on the estate after 12 noon on Saturdays and all day on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
- Properties should not be used as business premises necessitating frequent visitors, deliveries or collections. Trade vehicles should not be kept on estate properties.
- There shall be no planting on verges owned by the WRA without prior permission.
- All extensions, new building, landscaping and alterations (however minor) need to be referred to the WRA. Not all works will require WRA permission. All enquiries will be considered in a timely manner and residents will be advised quickly as to the next steps, should permission be required.
- No discharge of effluent, contaminated surface water or waste building materials shall be put down the drains. It should be noted that the WRA will charge for any costs for making good any damage caused by such activity.
- The 20mph speed limit on estate roads must be observed in order to protect motorists, cyclists and pedestrians using the estate. Drivers and cyclists must take care when approaching pedestrians walking on estate roads. Cyclists must observe the “No Cycling” signs on the greensward and on public pathways around the estate.
- Bonfires are not allowed, a view supported by Arun District Council. Their website includes a timely reminder that “The smoke and smells from bonfires can aggravate respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis and affect those with heart complaints and this is particularly an issue given that Coronavirus attacks the respiratory system.” Garden waste should be composted, kept in a safe place, put into your garden waste bin or taken to a recycling centre.
- No caravans, motorhomes, RVs or any similar large vehicle may be parked anywhere on the estate.
- Contractors’ vans and commercial vehicles must be parked on the resident’s premises unless prior approval has been obtained to park on estate roads.
- No hoarding, sign or advertisement other than an estate agent’s sale board may be displayed on any property. The temporary display of a tradesman’s sign in a discreet fashion is acceptable whilst work is in progress provided it does not cause an obstruction or impair the visibility of pedestrians and road users. The sign must be removed within three days of the work being completed.
- Because the Willowhayne Estate has no footpaths, pedestrians who may have prams, dogs, mobility scooters, etc, normally walk on the roads. The WRA doesn’t have the resources to police parking to ensure the safety of residents, so we ask all residents to:
* Ensure that all visitors to a property park on the drive and not on the road.
* Ensure contractors’ vehicles park on the drives when carrying out work.
* Agree with a neighbour to allow parking on their drive when several vehicles are visiting your property.
* Seek agreement from the WRA via Hobdens when exceptional parking on the roads is necessary.
* Speak politely to neighbours about the problem if they don’t comply, and advise Hobdens of the outcome if needed.Parking control notices can be placed on vehicles contravening this request. The security guards report details of any vehicles they find on estate roads in the early hours of the morning, and these cases will be followed up with the residents concerned. Please note that the WRA stickers which were issued in the past aren’t intended to be used as a license for parking.
The onus is on all residents to help prevent parking on our roads, and we’d appreciate your help in achieving this.
- Bins should be put out no earlier than the evening before collection day. They should be positioned securely to avoid being blown over by the wind and should be returned to within the property boundary as soon as practically possible after emptying.
- Skips should only be placed on the property’s own driveway or garden. If this is not feasible, the owner must contact the WRA for prior approval to place the skip on the verge outside the property.
- Most verges on the estate have a right of way for pedestrians. Residents must, therefore, ensure that verges are kept clear at all times and that any existing trees, shrubs, etc, are pruned back in order to allow pedestrians to use the verge when they need to do so. This is particularly important at road junctions.
- Holiday lets are not allowed. This position is supported by the covenants on estate properties.
If an issue related to non-observance of the above estate rules should arise, we ask that, in the same way as you would if living on a non-private estate, you approach the offender in the first instance and ask for their co-operation. Given that the rules are intended to be in our common interest, we would expect this to resolve most issues. However, if this is not effective and the problem persists, you should notify Hobdens with full details including the action taken to settle the matter amicably. Hobdens and the WRA will not consider intervening unless such action has been taken.
16 May 2022
Letting of properties on the estate
We have had several questions about the letting of property on the estate. This is governed by the covenants on all properties which essentially state:
- Properties cannot be used for carrying on a business, trade or employment of any sort;
- They cannot be used as a nursing home or boarding house;
- They can only be used as a private residence for a family and servants;
- Residents must not do anything which may cause a nuisance to neighbours or any other estate residents.
As far as letting is concerned, the WRA take the view that a property being let under an assured shorthold tenancy Agreement, with a minimum term of six months, is providing a residence for a family and is acceptable. Other types of letting or commercial use, including holiday letting and Airbnb, is considered running a business and is not acceptable. Any letting or use that causes a nuisance to estate residents will be considered unacceptable.