Stop press
This is where you will find up to date notices and information about the Willowhayne Estate
Stop press updated July 2022.
Security alert
A householder in Angmering Lane recently discovered that someone had climbed onto their roof and removed the batteries from the CCTV cameras. Please be aware that potential burglars are active in this area.
Volunteers needed to close Angmering Lane gates
The team that closes and opens the Angmering Lane gates on Sundays needs more volunteers to join the rota. In the estate-wide referendum on gate closures in January 2019, 145 properties voted for weekend gate closures. If you voted for it, please make it happen by joining the team. Contact Hobdens if you’re willing to share these duties on a rota basis.
The Queen’s Jubilee
The board is planning to plant a tree to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Further information was provided in the May 2022 newsletter and will be updated in due course.
New board members
The board is pleased to announce the co-option of two new members to the board.
Andrew Nicholson has been appointed to help with planning applications and road maintenance. Andrew worked for major contractors in the construction industry until his recent retirement. He and his partner have lived on our estate for 13 years.
In addition, Mike Allen was recently co-opted onto the board as the new director for communications. Mike – the managing director of a publishing company – and his wife moved to the estate from London about a year ago.
Annual General Meeting
Arrangements have been made for the 2022 AGM. Further information is given in the Residents’ area of this website.
The board has received a number of complaints about drones flying over Willowhayne properties and invading the privacy of residents. In some cases, drones have been used by estate agents to take aerial shots of properties for sale but such pictures inevitably include adjacent properties, causing annoyance to their owners. Complaints have been made to the estate agents concerned.
Another drone has been reported by several residents, lingering over their gardens in the southern part of the estate. This invasion of privacy has caused distress and resentment in the area. The board strongly disapproves of the use of drones over the estate and calls upon any owners of drones to respect their neighbours’ privacy and to refrain from flying drones over the estate.
Smoke from barbecues tends to waft across neighbours’ gardens and can result in mistaken complaints to the board about bonfires. If you are having a barbecue in your garden, please try to minimise the amount of smoke emitted and extinguish the barbecue when you have finished cooking. Remember that we have several residents on the estate who suffer from severe respiratory problems, and smoke causes them great distress.
Recreational vehicles
Residents are politely reminded that no recreational vehicles, caravans, motorhomes, camper vans or similar large vehicles may be parked anywhere on the estate. This requirement is listed as Rule 9 under the Rules section of this website.